ENGLISH DIALOGUE 1 : Suggestion and Offer







*The italic-bold sentence is an offer or suggestion word*


Tasya : “Jully, you know? Presedential election will be accelerated”

Julia  : “Really? I don’t even know anything about that! I don’t think there was any announcement. How do you know that?

Tasya : “Beno told me this morning. I met him at library, and i asked about presidential election”

Julia  : “Ahhhh yes, he is a member of student council right?”

Tasya : “Yeah. But i still confused. The candidate is Bulan, Kesha, and Brian. Who should I choose? They’re all very very clever!”

Julia  : “ Me too. I can’t choose one of them. Can i not choose anyone?”

Tasya : “No, you can’t. Our school requires us to vote. Beno told me the rules of voting. He said, those who do not vote will be punished”

Julia  : “Owh you’re kidding”

Tasya : “No, I’m serious! Beno said so. And that’s all from Mrs. Dianne”

Julia  : *Sigh* “Okay, now you must give me a suggestion”

Tasya : “What? I was said i confused too! And your choice is a secret. No one can know your choice including me. Just keep it by yourself, Jully”

Julia  : “No, I mean we must think together like a discussion. But don’t tell the name. Just tell your opinion and give your suggestion”


Tasya : “Hey Jully, I have a nice idea! What if we propose to the committee to make a hope box?!

Julia  : “Wait, wait, wait. A hope box? What is it like? I can’t relate”

Tasya :  “Well, you can write your hopes for the president you will choose. For example, you’re going to choose Bulan, and you can write hopes for Bulan as president like :‘I hope Bulan will be a humble and responsible leader’ ‘I hope Bulan will be a nice president for our school’ etc. Get it?”

Julia  : “AHHHHH YA YA YA! Whoaa that’s cool! I agree! Could i say this to Mrs. Dianne? She is one of the committee members right?”

Tasya : “SURE! Let’s tell her together!”



Hendra : “Dhif, where is your college major sheet? Mr.Yaya told me, only you haven’t collected it. Do you bring it now?”

Adhif : “Oh…. sorry. I forgot to collected that yesterday. I bring it now, here you are” *Giving the sheet*

Hendra : “Dhif, look, you haven’t filled this in yet”

Adhif : “……”

Hendra : “What’s wrong, Dhif? Are you okay? Is there something bothering you?”

Adhif : “No….I just….feel….bad. Well, there’s a little bit problem with my parents about my college major”

Hendra : “What’s that? Would you share it to me?

Adhif : “My parents didn’t approve the major i wanted. I choose law major, but they’re asked me to study in accounting. I was confused, ‘cause I can’t  refuse their request, but I can’t move to other major. I want to be a lawyer, not accountant”

Hendra : “Hemm…..How about trying to convince your parents? Actually, I have the same cases as you. My Mom didn’t agree if i’ll study at Informatics. She wants me to be a doctor when she knows I’m really bad at Biology”

Adhif : “And you oppose it?”

Hendra : “Yeah, but i talked with a gently word. First, I told her about a nice side of Informatics and Engineering. I said how interested i was in that major. I love computer as well as I love my self. Also I told her about how lucky my job opportunitiy would be if I choose Informatics. Last, I said I’ll be very happy if I can study without coercion. I know this is cringe and over dramatics, but trust me, that’s an only way”

Adhif : “You’re brave. I want speak up too, but I’m afraid my parents will be offended. What if they are disappointed?”

Hendra : “No, You must try it. Tell them slowly, I’m sure you’re parents will understand”

Adhif : “Fine, I’ll try it later”

Hendra : *Smiling* “I will ask permission to Mr.Yaya so you can collect the sheet tomorrow. You must have time for discuss it with your parents”

Adhif : “Oh my good, Thank you, man”

Hendra : “ No problem”




Bayu : “Yap, that’s fantastic. Our Indonesia has been independent so far! I’m really proud!”

Citra ; “You’ve put the flag on your house pole, right?”

Bayu : “Sure! I even put it 5 days ago. I will never forget it. How about you?”

Citra : “Me too! I put it a weeks ago HAHAHAHA”

Bayu : “Oh, I guess you forgot it wkwkwwkwk”

Citra :  “By the way, I think the PORAK must be very lively, isn’t right? So, I was thingking about what kind of contests is good for this event? You have any idea, Yu?”

Bayu : “Emmmmm……I think you should enter a documentary film competition

Citra : “Do you think there will be a lot of people participating in that’s competition? The problem is, many students are lazy to participate in events like this”

Bayu : “Hmm….yeah, that’s right, but it’s not wrong to try, isn’t?”

Citra : “Okay-okay. I will write it in the proposal. Thank you for helping me!”

Bayu : “Is there anything else you wanted me to help? I’m really excited to help you for this event!”

Citra : “HAHAHA! YOU’RE ON FIRE BRO! Okay, if you offering me, Can you help me to make a proposal?”

Bayu : “YES MADAM!!!”


CULTURAL TOUR  [Nusa Tenggara Tour]

Johhny : “Rin, if I’m not mistaken, you used to live in here, in East Nusa Tenggara, right?”

Arina : “Exactly. Where do you know that?”

Johnny : “I heard it from Ranti. She told me about you when we’re all on the way”

Arina : “Ahh, I see”

Johnny : “So, how long have you lived here?”

Arina : “I think….3-4 years. I lived here when I’m 4th grade”

Johnny : “Emmm. That’s long enough”

Arina : “Yeah. Actually I not lived here, but I lived in Sumba, more precisely. That’s a beautiful island, I can forgotten how happy am I when my dad take me to play at Bwanna Beach”

Johnny : “Of course, I feel you. Owh yeah Rin, My friends have plan to visit Sumba when holiday comes. He ask me to give him a recommendation. Can you tell me what are recommended places here?”

Arina : “Oh!.....hemmm I suggest your friend to visit Tarimba Beach and Laguna Weekuri. I’m sure your friend will crying so hard when he see that place”

Johnny : “Ahahahah, I can’t relate it. Well, I’m curious about Laguna Weekuri. What is that place?”

Arina : “Laguna Weekuri is like a lake. It has a pretty blue ocean water, and Instagramable. In the side, you can visit Ratenggaro Village. They have a unique house. The roof is made of bamboo and it’s very high up to 25 meters”

Johhnya : “For real?! Whoa that’s great!”

Arina : “Yap. Any question, John? Maybe you want to know about another place in sumba? Like Kampung Tarung or else? I can tell you a little bit”

Johnny : “OF COURSE! But, before that, can you explain about Ratenggaro’s House? I’m very interest to know about that!”

Arina : “Okay, let’s talk this in the bus!!”



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